Sunday, September 28, 2008

Loving fall....

I just love fall. The cooling temps, the turning leaves, the pumpkins and gourds. Love it. It's a beautiful time of year. Fall is definitely here...or at least coming. Today as I saw the leaves gathering a thought just kinda hit me.

Fall is so beautiful and yet, fall is a time of death. A season of dying and a season of preparation. The fall leaves were once attached and alive on the and full of life, until they dried and blew/fell off- at the proper time. Now, there purpose is complete. What kinds of things dry up and fall off my life? What is in a season of death, in your life? What is blowing away? Dead and gone, and yet the Lord wants you to see it as beautiful? What in your life is like fall?

I'm thinking of quite a few things...expectations, attitudes, trials, friendships, thought patterns, emotional baggage and so much more. Some things I wish wouldn't die...other things I can't wait to get rid of. If we think about it, so often, life is a time of dying and preparation and He sees it all as beautiful...the question is do I? Or do I just mourn over it? Or get overwhelmed by the mess of the "leaves" I look up and see the beauty? Do I see that this is just a season?

I need to be reminded that God is working and He is on time. I need to be reminded that the "dead" leaves in my life need to fall prepare me, for Winter and for Spring. I need to be reminded that the mess of Fall and the leaves are beautiful...because He is Beautiful and I am His.

Loving fall....and choosing to see Him in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love to watch the sunrise as the sun shines through the trees with all the awesome colors. It reminds me of just how majestic God is. As the sun rises and the sun rays glisten through the trees I can't help but capture the beauty of it all and wonder just how much more beauty God has if we are willing and ready to accept all He has to offer.
Fall is also the time of harvest. I have to ask myself am I ready for the harvest? If Christ was to return this fall am I ready to meet Him? Fall is also a time to start preparing the ground for the spring crop. Am I willing to prepare my soil to sow my seed this spring? I need to be willing to sow the seed before God can reap the harvest.
God has recently showed me just how much dying and preparing I needed in my own life. How was it that God was able to do this? Because of a few ladies that He has placed in my life that were willing to prepare the ground and sow the seeds. Seeds of growth and encouragement. I thank God daily for these ladies. Ladies that look up and see the beauty that God sees, no matter how messed up my life has been.