Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On that day...scattered

I just had Bible Study this morning and we were in Acts 8. If you don't know the history, check it out. Stephen has just been martyred (in Acts 7) and "on that day" a great persecution started in Jerusalem and the believers were scattered. Everything changed that day for the average Jewish Christian-they were torn from their safe and comfortable life, whatever that may have looked like and scattered. My first response? How horrible! How would you have responded? Me? I think I would have responded in total panic and fear...scattered to who knows where and then my tendency would have been to close myself into my "new" home and be silent, questioning God. "Where are you in this?"

What was the Lord doing? He was literally scattering His Church to fulfill His Great Commission (Acts 1:8). What was the tool? Persecution. What was the reason? The gospel going into all the world. The gospel was to be "scattered" and that happened by means of the believers being literally scattered, because of persecution. What does the Lord use in our lives to accomplish His Purposes? Sometimes...troubles, trials, sometimes scattering. How will we respond? Panic and fear? Or faith and boldness? Check out Philip in Acts 8. What an example of a man filled with faith not fear. What an example of the gospel of Jesus Christ infusing life into the scattering experiences.

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