Friday, December 9, 2011

Mary said Luke 1:34-38

Can you even imagine how overwhelmed Mary must have been given all this information?? She, a virgin, was going to carry the Son of God in her womb. He was going to be great with an enduring eternal kingdom. The Lord was with her and she was told to not be afraid. Mary said and addressed the obvious, “how can this be, since I am a virgin?” How is this even possible, literally? She understood the biology involved here and her question was one of genuine understanding…how?

The Holy Spirit will come upon her and she will conceive….at the fullness of time, Jesus was going to be born of a woman and born under the Law by the power of the Holy Spirit. “For not any word, nothing will be impossible with God.” Nothing, including a virgin birth. Nothing, including God being made flesh to dwell among us. Nothing is impossible with God.

Then Mary said….amazing words. Worshipful words. Words of submission….and humility. “Behold, the bond-slave of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.” Deuteronomy 15:12-17 talks about the concept of being a bond-slave, a voluntary slave joined permanently to a master’s household, by choice. Mary chooses the place of a bond-servant, she bends the knee in her heart, mind, and will to submit to God Most High. What beautiful words of humble servant hood. It was going to “cost” her greatly…on many levels. It was an amazing task, I understand…but think about it from an earthly perspective, there would be much speculation and potentially much trouble, yet she bends her heart and knee, “I am your servant….do as you will”.

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