Thursday, November 13, 2008

Log in my eye.....

Well, I clearly had a "Mandi Moment" today. It seems I'm having trouble thinking clearly and it is not because of my hair color. As I drove home from Valpo I was multi-tasking, by catching up with my mom on my cell (that is a total other issue, I know). Anyway, got home and went inside...did a load of dishes, load of laundry, checked my email and even spent a few minutes "on the couch" with John. We decided we needed milk and bread (didn't have a thing available for lunch, again, a whole other issue), I asked him to ride with me to CVS. Had some "extra" bucks...lunch would practically be free and we could have some time together. A CVS date. :)

Anyway...I went on a search for my car keys. Shocker, they were no where to be found. No, I didn't have them in my I grabbed John's keys and we headed to the car. Well...the car was open and totally running, in the middle of the street. Found my keys. I burst out laughing...and so did John. I seriously am losing it. I had spent at least a half an hour inside doing stuff as the running car sat open in front of the house in the middle of town. What a blond! Maybe it is because of my hair color!

Here's the thing, I laughed. John laughed. It was dumb and a total mistake but do you know what? Had John done that...I would have reacted totally differently. Honestly, I would have been totally mad. My mind would have gone in a hundred different directions from someone stealing the car to the car blowing up from over-heating! No matter, I wouldn't have laughed if it was John. That is just the truth of it.

Today's events make me pause and think, how do I react to the "speck" in other people's eyes, when a huge log is hanging out of my own? I made a mistake and had a "blond" moment today. But honestly, sometimes I can have real trouble cutting other people slack when they do dumb things-things that have nothing to do with silly things like car keys, but things like keeping a commitment or an off-handed remark. Things we all tend to judge people on.

Grace is an amazing thing. John cut me a lot of grace, I cut myself a lot of grace. Taking the time to look at the circumstances around a situation does amazing things. Cutting people the same break I so desperately need does amazing things. Face it, so many of our moments, spiritually speaking, are "blond" moments and we all need a ton of grace constantly! Lesson for the day...get the log out, and cut some grace, before I react to someones speck.

1 comment:

AnnieBlogs said...

Wow. That's an awesome post.