Friday, November 21, 2008

I am not God...

I am not God....I know, I know no shocker there but I had another "moment" this morning as a funny reminder of just how true that is. I am a thinker and I have been wrestling with a particular doctrinal issue lately and being who I am, a lot of times I think while I multitask...and being who I am, I am usually in some kind of hurry as I do my task.

Case in point, while getting ready this morning sitting in front of the mirror I put on my mascara and grabbed the blow dryer with my left hand and the body splash with the right hand. Here's the picture:

1.Thinking deeply about this doctrinal issue and trying to wrap my brain around it.

2.Drying my hair with my left hand.

3.Spraying body splash with my right hand...right into my eyes which of course had mascara that hadn't dried yet.

4.Frantically blinking to get the body splash out, I then had huge eyelash marks all underneath my eyes- did I mention while pondering the deep issues of doctrine?

HELLO, I am SO not God- but I did look very funny! I can't even multitask and put on my makeup for crying out loud. If you see me today, I may still have some raccoon eyes, that is why!

Point of the day, God is God and He is totally able to multitask and take care of "doctrine" and He is certainly not in a rush. Actually, I don't think God has "doctrine"...He just is and He is completely OK with that. He's certainly not thrown off the throne with my need to know. So, I'm learning to rest in Him and in the fact that He is in control. I'm learning that it is OK, if I just don't know...I can rest in the fact that He is known. The question is; Am I knowing HIM more, not just knowing doctrine? He desires to be known and He has made a way...that is eternal life. John 17:3

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