Friday, January 27, 2012

Consider the Lilies...

’Consider the lilies of the field’… (Matthew 6:38). They grow where they are planted. Many of us refuse to grow where God plants us. Therefore, we don’t take root anywhere.”- Oswald Chambers.

Wow, powerful words from Jesus and from Oswald. Consider the lilies….they grow, blossom and flourish right where they are. They wait in the dark, cold winter season….doing what they are designed to do waiting for spring and summer, all the while ready.

How many times have I refused to grow where the Lord has planted me? Refused to grow either in a season of life, a circumstance or even with some strategically planted people in my life? I’d rather not count. How stubbornly and rebelliously have I crossed my little plant leaf arms (you get the picture) and refused to grow and take root in that season or circumstance…..longingly looking for another season or place to be planted? Again, rather not count!

Sobering thought; this make me useless in that particular area because of my lack of rooted faith in the Sovereign God of the Universe who knows what He is doing. Considering the lilies today….they are currently doing what they are suppose to do, waiting for Spring-taking root in this winter season. Ready to grow where they are planted. Am I? Are you?

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